There are many pitfalls and traps you can fall into by being too hasty in a management company change.
Aircraft Management Migration
let us help you make a plan?
Just calling up you current management company and telling them you are leaving is not the answer.
Where are you moving the aircraft to?
Does the new management company have the processes to make your experience better?
Do you want to keep some of your existing pilots? Should You? Will they need to be retrained under the new management company?
where will your aircraft be based
Many hangar arrangements and leases are tied to the management agreement. Figure out where your aircraft will live before you give notice to leave your current management company.
timing of the move
Understand the paperwork that needs to be done, especially for a part 135 operations. This is crucial to being able to fly quickly after the move.
What do you need from your management company?
Having a complete answer to this is the first step for selecting a new aircraft partner.
let us help
We can help you select your next management company or just help mange the transition. We can help get ensure the process runs smoother. We know the common pitfalls and the questions to ask.